STEP 1: Adobe Key (暗号化された)を探す
M1. SQLite DBを使用して:アクティベーション情報は以下の場所に保存されています。
C:Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe PCDcachecachecache.db
これは、SQLite Database Browserで開くことができるSQLite DBです。SQLite Database Browserを使って、キーSN
M2を探す必要があります。Using the registry:
For 32 bit OS :
HKEYLOCAL\_LOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432Node\_Adobe Acrobat10.0Registration_SERIAL
For 64 bit OS :
For 64 bit OS :
For 64 bit OS :
HKEYLOCAL_LOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow6432Node_Adobe Acrobat10.0Registration 0Registration\SERIAL
function DecodeAdobeKey(sAdobeEncryptedKey)
var regex=/[0-9]{24}/g;
return 'corrupted serial';
var AdobeCipher = new Array(),index=0,sAdobeDecryptedKey='';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '0000000001';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '5038647192';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '1456053789';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '2604371895';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '4753896210';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '8145962073';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '0319728564';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '7901235846';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '7901235846';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '0319728564';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '8145962073';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '4753896210';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '2604371895';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '1426053789';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '5038647192';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '3267408951';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '5038647192';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '2604371895';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '8145962073';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '7901235846';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '3267408951';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '1426053789';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '4753896210';
AdobeCipher[index++] = '0319728564';
//decode the adobe key
for(var i=0;i<24;i++)
if (i%4 == 0 && i>0)
sAdobeDecryptedKey += '-';
sAdobeDecryptedKey += AdobeCipher[i].charAt( sAdobeEncryptedKey.charAt(i) );
return sAdobeDecryptedKey;
M2. シリアルを復号化するPowerShellコード
function ConvertFrom-EncryptedAdobeKey {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
$AdobeCipher = "0000000001", "5038647192", "1456053789", "2604371895",
"4753896210", "8145962073", "0319728564", "7901235846",
"7901235846", "0319728564", "8145962073", "4753896210",
"2604371895", "1426053789", "5038647192", "3267408951",
"5038647192", "2604371895", "8145962073", "7901235846",
"3267408951", "1426053789", "4753896210", "0319728564"
$counter = 0
$DecryptedKey = ""
While ($counter -ne 24) {
$DecryptedKey += $AdobeCipher[$counter].substring($EncryptedKey.SubString($counter, 1), 1)
$counter ++
M3. シリアルを復号化するVBコード:
Function DecodeAdobeKey(strAdobeEncryptedKey)
Dim AdobeCipher(24)
Dim strAdobeDecryptedKey, i, j
AdobeCipher(0) = "0000000001"
AdobeCipher(1) = "5038647192"
AdobeCipher(2) = "1456053789"
AdobeCipher(3) = "2604371895"
AdobeCipher(4) = "4753896210"
AdobeCipher(5) = "8145962073"
AdobeCipher(6) = "0319728564"
AdobeCipher(7) = "7901235846"
AdobeCipher(8) = "7901235846"
AdobeCipher(9) = "0319728564"
AdobeCipher(10) = "8145962073"
AdobeCipher(11) = "4753896210"
AdobeCipher(12) = "2604371895"
AdobeCipher(13) = "1426053789"
AdobeCipher(14) = "5038647192"
AdobeCipher(15) = "3267408951"
AdobeCipher(16) = "5038647192"
AdobeCipher(17) = "2604371895"
AdobeCipher(18) = "8145962073"
AdobeCipher(19) = "7901235846"
AdobeCipher(20) = "3267408951"
AdobeCipher(21) = "1426053789"
AdobeCipher(22) = "4753896210"
AdobeCipher(23) = "0319728564"
'decode the adobe key
for i = 0 To 23
if (i Mod 4 = 0 And i > 0) Then
'every 4 characters add a "-"
strAdobeDecryptedKey = strAdobeDecryptedKey & "-"
end if
'Grab the next number from the adobe encrypted key. Add one to 'i' because it isn't base 0
j = mid (strAdobeEncryptedKey, i + 1, 1)
'Add one to J because it isn't base 0 and grab that numbers position in the cipher
k = mid (AdobeCipher(i), j + 1, 1)
strAdobeDecryptedKey = strAdobeDecryptedKey & k
DecodeAdobeKey = strAdobeDecryptedKey
End Function
M4. Java Code to decrypt Serial:
public static String decrypt(String encryptedKey) {
String[] AdobeCipher = { "0000000001", "5038647192", "1456053789", "2604371895", "4753896210", "8145962073",
"0319728564", "7901235846", "7901235846", "0319728564", "8145962073", "4753896210", "2604371895",
"1426053789", "5038647192", "3267408951", "5038647192", "2604371895", "8145962073", "7901235846",
"3267408951", "1426053789", "4753896210", "0319728564" };
String sAdobeDecryptedKey = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
if (i % 4 == 0 && i > 0)
sAdobeDecryptedKey += '-';
String ndx=encryptedKey.substring(i, i+1);
int tmp=Integer.parseInt(ndx);
sAdobeDecryptedKey += AdobeCipher[i].substring(tmp, tmp+1);
return sAdobeDecryptedKey;
STEP 3: Download and Install the software with same serial
アドビ7 - Adobe ProfessionalとStandardバージョン7とここで利用可能なシリアルキーのためのダウンロード - _ダウンロードの一部として提供されるシリアル番号は、合法的にCS2またはAcrobat 7を購入し、これらの製品の現在の使用を維持する必要がある顧客によってのみ使用される場合があります。 ダウンロードの一部として提供されているシリアル番号は、正当にCS2またはAcrobat 7を購入されたお客様のみが使用することができ、これらの製品の現在の使用を維持する必要があります。